Don’t Stop Living Before You Die!

I knew a man who was alive and vibrant in his church in his 30s.  He seemed to grow and connect with others in a meaningful way.  However, something happened in his 40s. He found his recliner.  That became his location for much of his life.  Sitting and mindlessly watching hour after hour of television.… Continue reading Don’t Stop Living Before You Die!

The Bully

Bullies seem to be everywhere. Some are married.  Some are single.  They come in all ages and from various economic and ethnic groups.  You may work with a bully.  You may have one in your family.  Even assembling with your church may not be an escape from a bully. A bully can even be a church… Continue reading The Bully

Marriage and Ministry

Do you know people who have a reputation for choosing poorly? A woman chooses a spouse.  Her friends are shocked at her choice.  She always said that she would marry someone godly and mature.  Now she has begun to rationalize.  She is convinced that “he has a good heart” and the potential to change.  Besides… Continue reading Marriage and Ministry

How to Damage a Perfectly Good Relationship

Have you ever known someone who unnecessarily damaged what was otherwise a good relationship? Far too often men and women will unleash their anger on the people closest to them.  Perhaps it is someone in the family, a friend, or someone at church.  What transpires is often hurtful, damaging, and sinful. Examples: The young couple… Continue reading How to Damage a Perfectly Good Relationship

When You are Afraid

“Were you afraid?” she asked.  Of course I was.  We were moving across the country after living in Waco for twenty years.  We were leaving the known and entering the unknown.  Yes, I know fear. Typically I become afraid of what could happen.  After all, “What if?” Meanwhile, early this morning I sat at a… Continue reading When You are Afraid