When Men Are Silent

A young wife e-mails an elder in their church about the bullying behavior of her husband. It took everything she had to write the letter. Her arm still throbbed from where her husband had grabbed her the night before. She had known this elder for many years and now was reaching out to him. After… Continue reading When Men Are Silent

When Men Leave Emotionally

What does a man do with pain? Many men simply leave. No, they don’t necessarily leave physically. Rather, they leave emotionally. I recently heard a friend of mine talk about this as he reflected upon a very difficult time in his life.  I could identify. Many men have learned that the safest place to take one’s… Continue reading When Men Leave Emotionally

The Bully

Bullies seem to be everywhere. Some are married.  Some are single.  They come in all ages and from various economic and ethnic groups.  You may work with a bully.  You may have one in your family.  Even assembling with your church may not be an escape from a bully. A bully can even be a church… Continue reading The Bully

Four Essential Practices for Any Church Leader

The following are four essential practices for any church leader.  In fact, these might be helpful to any Christ-follower. 1.  Take care of your mind.  Too many ministers do not read widely and consequently get stuck in a mental rut. Some read only the latest books from well-known preachers.  The mind, however, needs exercise.  For… Continue reading Four Essential Practices for Any Church Leader

5 People I Admire

1. I admire people who are respectful and gracious in their speech. I knew someone who would regularly say, “I’m just being honest.” In his mind, this seemed to excuse his crass, rude, and insulting remarks. Yet, speaking with honesty does not give one the license to put away their sensitivity filter and say whatever… Continue reading 5 People I Admire