5 Minutes After You Crash

Years ago, I met a friend from out of town at our local Starbucks.  We got our coffees, sat down at a table and began to catch up.  At one point, my friend said, “It sure is sad about ______.  I can’t believe he would get involved with another woman.”  I was stunned.  I had… Continue reading 5 Minutes After You Crash

Avoid These 6 Enemies of Marriage

The following are enemies of marriage.  They have a way of chipping away and even poisoning a marriage.  Run from these enemies! Bitterness Bitterness has a way of souring most any situation and most any day.  A bitter person can take seemingly innocent remarks and find something devious and sinister.  Bitterness is a poison that… Continue reading Avoid These 6 Enemies of Marriage

Categorized as Marriage

When Men Leave Emotionally

What does a man do with pain? Many men simply leave. No, they don’t necessarily leave physically. Rather, they leave emotionally. I recently heard a friend of mine talk about this as he reflected upon a very difficult time in his life.  I could identify. Many men have learned that the safest place to take one’s… Continue reading When Men Leave Emotionally

4 Ways to Take Pressure Off Your Marriage

Marriage can be challenging.  Yet, sometimes we put additional pressure on ourselves by taking on responsibilities that are not ours. For example: You are not responsible for your spouse’s moods. Some men and women are very emotionally immature.  Some are moody and emotionally manipulative.  These people may even blame their emotional moods on their spouse.… Continue reading 4 Ways to Take Pressure Off Your Marriage

Categorized as Marriage