What Has Helped You Feel Less Self-Conscious?

I never intended to be a minister. Never. I grew up in a church. Over the years, there were probably a half-dozen ministers who preached at this church. As a child, I really didn’t know much about them. I only saw them from a distance. Yet, most of them seemed “different.” Not different in a… Continue reading What Has Helped You Feel Less Self-Conscious?

“But What about Me?” The Curse of Self-Consciousness

It was an interesting moment. I was a freshman in high school. A photographer was present to take school pictures. That morning, he was taking pictures of our high school basketball team. I was in the gym and for a few minutes watched as the photographer first took a team picture and then took individual… Continue reading “But What about Me?” The Curse of Self-Consciousness

Willing to Be Changed! (Well–almost)

They are good people.  They may be pleasant and intelligent people.  Very often, they are Christian people.  Yet, some of these same people never seem to grow up emotionally.   There are some people who have developed their thinking processes quite well.  There are some who have the capacity to grasp intellectual complexities and make sense… Continue reading Willing to Be Changed! (Well–almost)

Before You Marry (Part 4)

Marriage can be wonderful.  It is a gift of God. Yet, it is very important to think through your reasons for wanting to get married.  I have been thinking lately about what I have learned through many, many conversations with couples regarding marriage.  I have been privileged to be a part of many conversations that were… Continue reading Before You Marry (Part 4)

Moving Beyond Reaction

They are everywhere!  People who just react.  People who drain the life out of gatherings as they react to others in ways that are immature, curt, and abrupt.  Like letting the air out of a balloon, they have a way of deflating most any conversation.  Even worse, they are often allowed to deflate the dreams and… Continue reading Moving Beyond Reaction