When You are Afraid

“Were you afraid?” she asked.  Of course I was.  We were moving across the country after living in Waco for twenty years.  We were leaving the known and entering the unknown.  Yes, I know fear. Typically I become afraid of what could happen.  After all, “What if?” Meanwhile, early this morning I sat at a… Continue reading When You are Afraid

What Has Helped You Feel Less Self-Conscious?

I never intended to be a minister. Never. I grew up in a church. Over the years, there were probably a half-dozen ministers who preached at this church. As a child, I really didn’t know much about them. I only saw them from a distance. Yet, most of them seemed “different.” Not different in a… Continue reading What Has Helped You Feel Less Self-Conscious?

Much Fear in Many Churches

Fear.   It is everywhere! No, I am not talking about the fear of the Lord. Nor am I talking about any sort of healthy fear. No, I am referring to another kind of fear — an unhealthy fear. She sat just outside the main doors to our auditorium (sanctuary, worship center, etc.). She was in… Continue reading Much Fear in Many Churches

Having the Nerve to Follow Christ (Part 2)

"Well of all the nerve!"  I’m not sure where I first heard that expression.  It may have been from my grandmother in Searcy, Arkansas, who used to utter that phrase quite often.  Whenever I have heard that expression, the context is usually the same.  Someone is expressing shock or disbelief at someone’s behavior.  It really… Continue reading Having the Nerve to Follow Christ (Part 2)

Having the Nerve to Follow Christ (Part 1)

It takes a lot of nerve to follow Christ.  It takes a lot of nerve to minister to a church and to a community.   No matter who you are and what your vocation might be, if you are going to follow Christ, it will call for courage.  Before the late Edwin Friedman passed away a… Continue reading Having the Nerve to Follow Christ (Part 1)