699 People!

699 What a great number! That is how many people came to the Crestview Community Center last night from the Waco area to register to be a possible bone marrow donor. We are in the middle of a story at our church. This is a story about a young couple, Susan and Van who love… Continue reading 699 People!

Brennan Manning: The Furious Longing of God

Several days ago, I read Brennan Manning’s new book, The Furious Longing of God (David C. Cook, 2009).  The book is vintage Brennan Manning.  Manning is candid, forthright, and passionate about God’s love.  As in his other books, Manning reveals keen insight into humanity as well as God’s grace.  Ever self-aware, he describes himself as… Continue reading Brennan Manning: The Furious Longing of God