699 People!

699 What a great number! That is how many people came to the Crestview Community Center last night from the Waco area to register to be a possible bone marrow donor. We are in the middle of a story at our church. This is a story about a young couple, Susan and Van who love… Continue reading 699 People!

Question: What are the Secrets in Churches?

I’ve got a question. What are the secrets in churches? I believe that in churches everywhere, people have secrets. These are secrets that men and women have in their hearts. These secrets may involve feelings, questions, sins, past experiences, addictions, future intentions, etc. Some of these secrets include: 1. The man who has always had… Continue reading Question: What are the Secrets in Churches?

Question: How is the Church to Talk About Sex?

What do you think? How should the church be addressing the subject of sex? Think for a moment about our context: 1. We live in a highly sexualized culture. Sexual images are everywhere (advertising, various forms of entertainment, etc.). News in pop culture ranges from “wardrobe malfunctions” at the half time of a Super Bowl… Continue reading Question: How is the Church to Talk About Sex?

My Story: Life at the First Church

My early years as a minister took place in a small church in middle Tennessee.  The church was in Pulaski, about an hour from Nashville.  The little church met in a storefront on the highway that led to Minor Hill.  Yes, it was a storefront.  Used to be a convenience store.  Just across the street… Continue reading My Story: Life at the First Church

What Does a Healthy Church Look Like?

Will you help me with this one?  What does a healthy church look like?  I am thinking about this as I read Anne Jackson’s book Mad Church Disease: Overcoming the Burnout Epidemic.  (I have just started the book.  Will say more later.)  For now, I would like to ask you to think about some of… Continue reading What Does a Healthy Church Look Like?

The Neglected Curriculum

Dr. Paul Faulkner, one of my former professors, taught at Abilene Christian University for many years.  He taught Marriage and Family Therapy and a number of other related courses.  On several different occasions, I heard him speak of the "neglected curriculum."  Paul believed that there were certain gaps in the education and home life of… Continue reading The Neglected Curriculum