Seven Sins of the Spiritual Life (Part 1)

Dark Night of the Soul is a classic piece written by John of the Cross.  During the 16th century, John was known for his leadership abilities as well as his rigorous lifestyle.  He was named "John of the Cross" due to the suffering he endured in his life as well as his commitment to Christ.  The following addresses the first of the seven sins of the spiritual life.

Beginners in the spiritual life are apt to become very diligent in their exercises.  The great danger for them is to become satisfied with their religious works and with themselves  It is easy for them to develop a kind of secret pride, which is the first of the seven capital sins.


Such persons become too spiritual.  They like to speak of "spiritual things" all the time.  They would prefer to teach rather than to be taught.  They condemn others who are not as spiritual as they are.  They are like the Pharisee who boasted in himself and despised the publican who was not as spiritual as he.


The devil will often inflame their fervor so that their pride will grow even greater.  The devil knows that all of their works and virtues will become valueless and, if unchecked, will become vices.  For they begin to do these spiritual exercises to be esteemed by others.  They want others to realize how spiritual they are.  They will begin to fear confession to another for it would ruin their image.  So they soften their sins when they make confession in order to make them appear less imperfect….

(cited in Devotional Classics, ed. Richard Foster, p. 34.)



  1. Unfortunately, I can attest to the accuracy of this
    author’s observations. Thanks for sharing this, Jim.

    BTW, I’m glad you took that police sergeant’s advice! Hope the rest of your week goes well! -bill

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