Question: What About the Future? Nervous, Excited, or Both?

question.jpgAre you a college student?  Are you a single parent?  Perhaps you are married with young children.  Or, perhaps you are in your middle years.  Regardless of where you are in life, what enters your mind as you think about the new year or the future in general?


As you think about the future, what makes you feel either concerned, nervous or anxious?  Maybe you are concerned for your children.  You may feel nervous as you think about the economy.  You may be experiencing some health issues and you wonder how these concerns will be resolved.  You may wonder whom you might marry. 


As you think about the future, what is there that causes you to feel excited?  Maybe you are starting a new job.  It could be that you are starting graduate school, and you look forward to that experience.  Perhaps there is something in your ministry that you look forward to.  Maybe the thought of a new year, new start, etc. is exciting to you.

I am thinking about the new year and am wondering how you and others might respond to these questions.  I really appreciate your response.  


  1. It may sound strange but I’m looking forward to the unknown possibilities. My favorite parts of this past year were unexpected and this next year creates room for more.

  2. Interesting that you should write this because this was the topic of conversation between the Wife and myself just the other day. She has a far different take on it all … excited anticipation of what God will bring to our lives and do for us. On the other hand, my perspective is more of fear because guys are supposed to "fix" things and I see "things" on the horizon that can’t be fixed by guys.

  3. Hm, good questions that I need to ask myself and also to inquire of a few people close to me. What makes me feel nervous or anxious? The thought (and hopes) of a possible job change for me. What makes me feel excited – the same thing I’m afraid of – change! But the potential for growth and expectation that God wants to do some good things is getting stronger. 

  4. I look forward to what the Lord has in store for me. I have learned through my other journey’s  there is always plenty of rejoicing of His glory. As a reflect on the this past year. I can remember all the good, and hard  things. But in the end i can say thank you God. Because I have overcome  those things. I have grown from those quite times, or dark valley’s. He had provided many new people in my life to walked through  those times with me. I hae new friends, that i didn’t last year.  So i know  whatever comes in this new year. I will be able to walk through them all. I will meet new people along the way. Yes no matter what happens, God will be there the whole time.

  5. Brandon,I don’t think this sounds strange at all.  In fact, it sounds like a rich opportunity to trust God with the unknown.I appreciate you very much.

  6. Greg,When I read what you said about Janice it reminded me of what I had just read in Brandon’s comment (above).  What a wonderful way to see the future!  Thanks,

  7. Dianne,Isn’t it interesting how the future can invite either excitement or fear (or sometimes both)?  Thanks for your comment.

  8. Betty,I appreciate your encouraging note.  It is good to be reminded of God’s presence and his provision as well.   I am glad that God has placed some new friends into your life.  Hope you will comment again.

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