Monday Resources

The following are some of the resources that I read, listened to, or skimmed last week.  Maybe one or more will interest you.


This week I listened to several podcasts that were interesting.  I listened to the Reveal podcast entitled “Institutions of Higher Learning.”  (Reveal is from The Center for Investigative Reporting.)  Much of this had to do regarding the discussion taking place across the country regarding financing an education.  (This especially interested me since it opened with a story about The University of Texas, my home state).

I also listened to an interview with Andy Crouch on The Sacred Podcast (from Theos, a think tank in the U.K.).  This was an excellent interview.  Elizabeth Oldfield starts off each podcast with the question “What do you hold sacred?”

Finally, I listened to an interview with Molly Crockett, “The neuroscience of social media outrage” one of the Rad Awakenings with Khe Hy.  Crockett is a assistant psychology professor at Yale.

So this is what interested me about the two podcasts that I just mentioned.  Both Andy Crouch and Molly Crockett discussed the issue of social media and outrage.  Social media seems to lend itself most naturally to those of us who are outraged at something.  This is worth much thought!


This week I will begin reading Andrew Root’s new book, Faith Formation in a Secular Age: Responding to the Church’s Obsession with Youthfulness.  Ordered this after Scot McKnight recommended it highly.


Don’t miss Lisa Whittle’s powerful article, “How to Lose a Pastor in Ten Years.”  (First became aware of this on Scot McKnight’s blog).  Very sobering.

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