Let’s Invite 44 People for Dinner!

Did you hear this amazing story?  This happened just the other day.  Christine and Randy Glover invited 44 stranded motorists into their home.  These motorists were stranded by a blizzard in northeastern New Mexico.  Cars came to a halt as they became stuck in 4-foot snowdrifts.  These motorists spent Friday and Saturday in their home.

The Glovers realized that these motorists were stranded and had no place to go.  At the time they had no idea how many motorists they were inviting into their home.  In the end, it was 44 people.  There were motorists from Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Louisiana, all of whom stayed in the 1,200 square foot home.

Fortunately, one of the stranded motorists was driving a food truck.  The driver let his company know of his situation and they declared the situation an emergency and allowed him to open the back of his truck to these motorists.  

For two days, these motorists watched movies, played cards and dominoes, played video games, and told stories.  At the end, Christine Glover said, "I think anyone would do what we did"  (Dallas Morning News, Monday, January 1, 2007).

Isn’t that incredible? 

There is something about that scene that reminds me of Jesus.  There is something about this situation that reminds me that we were never meant to live life as individuals, existing as lonely individuals.  I am posting this today because the story encourages me.

Maybe it will encourage you as well.


  1. A similar story happened to my grandparents who lived in Sheffield, Alabama. A Greyhound bus was stranded in Sheffield one weekend and my grandfather heard about it and called my grandfather to tell her he was bringing some people home for dinner. He brought all the stranded passengers home, fed them, and gave them a place to sleep for the night.  That reputation somehow spread because one winter night Dr. James D. Bales and his family were stranded in Sheffield due to an unexpected winter storm. He had heard of this Mitchell family, looked up the name in the phone directory, and called to see if this Mr. Mitchell was the one with the roomy house. My grandfather invited the Bales family to stay until the roads cleared. Bales’ daughter later became a Christian she said because of the hospitality of that family in north Alabama.Your post is a very encouraging story. My grandparents a LOT more than 1200 square feet.

  2. This encourages me too, Jim! Thanks for passing it along.
    BTW, I’ve driven this very stretch of road hundreds of times. I was raised just across the border in the Oklahoma Panhandle. It’s sparsely populated and desolate. But, the people are beautiful! Some days (like today), I miss them more than I possibly express.
    God bless you, brother,

  3. What a great story!  My great Aunt Elise lived on a small farm in Fairhope, Ala. and had 10 kids.  When the kids were grown and she was about 65, she invited anyone in the small town to have Thanksgiving dinner with her.  By the time she was in her 70s she had townfolks all over her little house and yard eating dinner.  She never ran out of food since she raised turkeys and had a huge garden.  She started every day reading her Bible on the front porch.  In all the times of feeding people she was never hurt or robbed.  She had a great faith in God. 

  4. Gail,What a wonderful story!  Wow.  I could just picture your great Aunt’s house.  What a testimony to her faith and hospitality.I’m glad I read this story… 

  5. Greg,What a story!  Having been in Sheffield so many times, I felt as I could picture the setting.(What an amazing footnote regarding J.D. Bales!) 

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