What I Would Do Differently

2006 is almost over.  How amazing!  We are about to begin a new year.  On the audio toy to the left, I reflect on things I would like to do differently in the upcoming new year.  This audio is just four minutes long.  Enjoy.

(Click on the green button on the right.)

&<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">nbsp</span>;&<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">nbsp</span>;&<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">nbsp</span>;&<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">nbsp</span>;&<span class="HA-spellcheck-error">nbsp</span>;


  1. Jim,
    I am one yor your students back in IBC.  Stumble into your blog and really enjoy it.  Your audio post has uplifted my day.  Thank-you for a timely piece for me.

  2. Siu!How good to hear from you!  I hope you are doing well.  Are you in Hong Kong?Reading your comment has made my day. 

  3. Jim, You really have me pegged!  I was lifting a cup of coffee to my lips as you were describing how you imagined your listeners!  Thanks for this audio as well as all the posts this year.  You have enriched my life and helped me start each day in a more positive way.  Be safe and joyful in your travels! 

  4. Your statement, "I would spend less time worrying about people who choose to be miserable…"  hit me between the eyes!  I have SOOO many people in (and out) of my life who choose not to do some very important things.. then they have to live with the consequence of those choices.  I need to accept their choices.  Thanks.Have a wonderful holiday! 

  5. Jim it is good to hear your voice again.  I waited until Christmas to list to this.  Though I cannot go and undo those things I wish I could … Christmas promises that Jesus has given me a "do over."  I hope to do better and live "in the moment" in the next year.
    Shalom and Merry Christmas,
    Bobby Valentine

  6. Jim, Thanks for that sharing. That was great, to hear you like that. And hopefully you’ll do that some more. Great thoughts. Good for all of us to do. We all need to keep working at growing, improving and overcoming, in Jesus. I do feel overwhelmed at times, and lately, in this. But I guess, that’s just a part of growing and going on, and hopefully leaving more and more certain things behind, as we move on to more and more of that Christ-likeness you mention here.

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