Will Jesus Buy Me a Double-Wide?

Read this book.

Karen Spears Zacharias has written a very good book!

Will Jesus Buy Me A Double-Wide?  

Of course, the title and cover immediately had my attention. I liked the table of contents and the creative way that she tagged each one of the major characters featured in her chapters.

She handles the issue of the prosperity gospel quite well. Not only does she raise important questions but she provides enough stories to document this problem again and again. As I read the chapters, I found myself thinking several times, “Oh yea, I forgot about him!” (as with Rev. Ike) Zacharias.jpg

Other stories are inspiring and uplifting. She writes numerous stories of what God is doing through various men and women. I found these stories heart-warming, encouraging, and motivating.

Karen Spears Zacharias is a great storyteller! For example, in the final chapter, she paints such a clear picture of her and her sister driving around, looking for a Starbucks and then seeing a Rolls Royce. That began an interesting conversation and an adventure. The picture she paints in this story is so clear, I felt as if I could see each one of these people.

Would you like a free copy of her book? I will be giving away autographed copies to two people who make comments on this post. In fact, Karen Spears Zacharias has even agreed to call the winners to talk about the book, if you like.

A drawing will be held in my office in just a few days. Again, if you would like to enter, be sure to leave a comment.

Now here is a taste of this book:

After Daddy died, Mama paid $6,000 for a single-wide trailer, a 12 X 60. It was the first home our family owned. It had plywood walls so thin you could hear a roach grunt, and the only insulation from the outside elements was a feather pillow clutched down over your head during winter or a cooling rag filled with ice cubes for the sticky nights of a Georgia summer.

We moved that trailer five times in six years. Corner lots in the trailer parks were the most coveted because they usually had the biggest yards. Wealthy people lived in trailers with tip-outs. The very rich lived in double-wides. My friend Karin Paris and her brother lived in a double-wide with their mama. They really had it made — all that space for only three people. We had twice as many people living in a trailer half as big.

While I no longer live in a house balanced on cinder blocks the way I did in my youth, I recognize that almost all of my life’s truly meaningful moments took place in a trailer. I had my first kiss in a trailer. I smoked my first and last cigarette in a trailer. I asked Jesus into my heart on bended knee in a trailer. And I gave birth to my firstborn child on my mama’s bed in a trailer.

Given my druthers, I’d rather reside in a mansion carved from marble than a 12 X 60 crafted from aluminum siding. Still, I know without question that God’s love for me or his favor toward me is not manifested in whether I live at the end of a dirt road in a trailer or around an emerald bend in a gated community comprised of McMansions. Proof of God’s love is not found in the square footage of our homes or the number of cars our garage will hold. God’s love is not evident in our net worth at all. It’s found in the same place it has always been, at the foot of a rough-hewn and bloodied cross.


  1. Jim – I’m glad we’re friends on Facebook. Otherwise, I never would have seen your “plug” here to your wonderful blog and this really “weird” sounding book. The kind that changes us.

    Please enter ME, as well, in your drawing. I’d LOVE to read the book and may anyway, even if I don’t win. I NEED some good tugs on my heart as a Christian right now.


  2. Karen’s one of my favorite writers … down to earth and calls ’em like she sees ’em. And although she’s been in the Northwest for many years, I’m happy that her Southern roots run deep.

  3. I first heard of this book Jan of this year in Jefferson, Texas, at an event called Girlfriend Weekend. It has been on my mind since. Jefferson is about an hour away from civilization–we have to drive an hour to get off Walton’s Mountain..but win or lose I will get this book the next “trip to town”– Keep Twittering Karen!! Darla

  4. I just found Karen’s books this past week through Patti Callahan Henry’s facebook comments. I absolutely cannot wait to read this one. I love reading things from our locals here in red clay Georgia.

  5. I just put the last 2 sentences as my status on facebook – a quote with the author’s name! Thanks for that excerpt and sharing this post!

  6. Sounds like an interesting book….especially if it handles the “prosperity gospel”, something that bothers me most about the American church.

  7. I look forward to reading this book simply because of your recommendation; however, the temptation of “winning” the book made the offer even more attractive. Keeping my fingers crossed!

  8. I’ve heard about this author a few times but have not yet had the treat of reading her. this is a topic i’ve seen friends and family seriously adversely affected by. I would appreciate receiving this book very much.

  9. I would find it an honor to win a book, have it autographed and receive a call from Karyn. I love her writing. Thank you for doing this also!

  10. I’ve been reading the reviews for Karen’s book and it sounds like a fascinating read. I am originally from Georgia and would enjoy reading her story, knowing that it will be an adventure, just like life in the South can be every day.

  11. Amen. I want to read all of Karen’s books. And am making it a priority that I read this one. After that to backtrack. Thanks Jim for sharing this, and promoting her book. One of these days soon, you should write your own book!

  12. Just the short taste of the book is an eye-opener. Thank you as always for being a great scout for good material.

  13. Hi Jim,

    Glad you are giving away a couple of copies of Karen’s book! I had the opportunity to read Double-Wide already and was very impressed with the message and the storytelling. I’ll be sending some friends this way to get registered for the giveaway and conversation. Very cool!

  14. i’m a friend of chad estes. and i live in the pacific northwest AND i grew up in the south, louisiana…..and i would love to read karen’s new book and interview her. she sounds like a hoot….though i think i may have met her just a few months ago. sigh. my memory ain’t what it used to be!

  15. The last two lines in that quote are extremely powerful. Unfortunately we focus too much on what we want and are never content with what we have in Jesus.

  16. I’d love to win this book! I “met” Karen through Shellie Tomlinson and love that she’s tackling this subject. She does it with such wit and charm all with total truth. Can’t beat that combo!

  17. I bought the book and read it last week, but if I won a copy, I’d give that one away (there are a lot of people who need to hear that message!) If I had a bucket list…visiting with Karen would be on it….I’d love to have her over for dinner and just chat! We have a lot in common and she is a delightful person. I follow her blog daily so I feel like I somewhat know her already.

  18. I have been so intrigued after reading the excerpts of this book that I have now purchased two of Karen’s earlier books so I can enjoy those as well.

    I would love to have an autographed copy of this book and would be blessed to share it with others as well.

  19. Thanks to all of you who have left comments. The drawing will be held this weekend and announced Monday morning.

  20. I’m really looking forward to reading this! Karen’s previous book “Where’s Your Jesus Now?” was a huge help to me during a difficult time when my Dad became critically ill and it was very hard to find any grace in his situation. “Where’s Your Jesus Now?” was the only Christian book I could bring myself read during that time of darkness. I’m glad she is continuing to write!

  21. I know I have to read this book, having grown up poor and in the South. Karen cuts to the heart of what is off putting to me in some of the Mega Church groups, that would insinuate that because I am living in 700 sq. feet of cinderblock house, that somehow I have failed to earn earthly riches from God. Like her, I have lived in all kinds of homes, and have never been as blessed by God as I am now.

  22. Having just read “Hero Mom” aka: “After The Fag is Folded” and being currently engrossed in “Where’s Your Jesus Now?” I am already a winner. Who wouldn’t be having benefited from Karen’s insights? To win ‘Doublewide’ would be the Icing on an already fantastic ‘Cake.’

  23. I’ve been wanting to read this book but haven’t been able to get out and buy it. I’d love to win a free autographed copy!…

  24. Jim, I started following Karen’s blog from your blog several months ago and became a fan within a few posts. I was blessed to meet Karen a few weeks ago here in my hometown and get a signed copy of her wonderful book you are giving away here. I read it in two sittings … couldn’t put it down! I’m posting here because I would love another signed copy to share. In fact, I’ve already decided to buy more copies to share so her message can get out. So glad you are promoting her book on your wonderful website!

    1. Hi Lori,
      Thanks for the kind words about this blog. Glad you were able to meet Karen and get a signed copy. Good to hear from you.

  25. I am a fan of Karen’s through her blog. If her book is anything like the down-to-earth and thought provoking content of her blog it will be a fun and inspirational read. I’m looking forward to my autographed copy and a call from her.

  26. My aunt refused to upggade to a double wide because she believed the tenants of the Bible “Blessed are the Meek” and she just felt that the bigger spread wouldn’t help her into the preferable life everlasting destination. There was just no reasoning with her that if St. Peter didn’t have a wide enough gate to accommodate the wider axle, he probably didn’t have a hot water and sewerage hook up neither.

    I wish she’d read Karen’s previous book Where’s Your Jesus Now?

  27. Jim, I think it was you who “put me onto” Karen’s writing. I love her blog and have recommended “Where’s Your Jesus Now?” to many of my friends after reading it and loving it. it resonated with me so much. My blog is in hibernation right now – perhaps I can kickstart it into life again with a post about Karen and her writing? She has blessed me and my faithwalk. (And you have too).

    1. Wendy, thanks for your note. Glad that you have enjoyed Karen’s writing. I have really enjoyed this most recent book.

  28. I am new to this site. I just read some of Karen’s work. Amazing! I went through a very tough ordeal about a year and a half ago that removed a lot of “things” from my life. What have I learned?? I have so much less to be thankful for…but in having less, I am so much more thankful. God does amazing work through our trials. I have so much joy now with so much less. I can’t wait to read this book.

    1. Mandy, so glad to have you here. Hope that you will come again. Thank you for sharing part of what you went through a year a half again. Sounds like some valuable learning.

    1. Tina, thank you very much for the kind words regarding the articles. I appreciate your feedback. Hope you will comment again.

  29. I’m so often blessed by your blog, Jim, and this book sounds amazing. Thank you so much for the chance to win, and God bless you.

  30. Winners should receive their autographed copies this week. Thanks to all who expressed interest in Double-Wide. I hope you all will read it and tell someone else about it.

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